Things are still pressing forward at the church and it has been amazing to see what God has done in the short time we have been at Crystal Lake Baptist. We have seen several come to know Christ as their Savior, we have seen baptisms, kids eager to learn, adults being discipled, people growing and hearts changing. We even had a wedding this past Sunday to start off the morning service.
On a personal note :
My mom was on a ventilator in October and did not know where she was or how she got there for a few days-that was very scary, I did not know if her mental capacity would ever return. She got better and was discharged but, since then she has been in and out of the hospital with breathing trouble and currently has stage 3 COPD. She recently had a battle with pneumonia which landed her back in the hospital. That cleared up but her asthma and lung function are not where they need to be and her white blood cells are back up. She started today on another strong antibiotic so hoping she is discharged soon. Today starts week 3 of this hospital stay.
My grandfather who is only 71 had to be put into a home because of his Alzheimer’s and he is not currently in what they call “a lock down facility” and it is just assisted living. He has managed to escape 2 times total and this past weekend tried to get out again and they were able to stop him but he fell on his shoulder and they had to take him to the emergency room to make sure it was not broken. They will be moving him either this week or beginning of next week to a different facility.
We gained another little boy into our family as well, on October 13th DCF placed in our care Kash., currently on paper it is not official but the prayer is that he will be ours long term. He is two (almost three), he does not talk much and when he first came to us he was really skinny and didn’t want to eat much of anything and really introverted. He has gained 2 pounds since being with us, has been enjoying more foods (Even some vegetables!), has said a few words and starting to say some sentences with the encouragement of Jacob & I and the kids and the new friends at daycare. Prayerfully soon we have a full speech test and a possible MRI to see where we can go from here to get the best care for him.
What else you missed: We celebrated my 29th birthday, took the kids trick or treating (Kash had strep throat so he had to stay home), celebrated Alexanders 9th birthday, Thanksgiving with family & now Christmas is upon us. This week we have many things on the agenda as always and one being the church Christmas party with the $10 and under gift exchange game for the adults and at the same time we will have hot cocoa, games, crafts, gifts & more for the kids!
Looking forward:
SOON we will be renovating the baby nursery, implementing new awesome curriculum from Word of Life for the kids, a playground for the kids is in the works and so many more exciting things. It has been less then 6 months but we are for sure on fast forward and I thank God for His many blessings!