Hello world! It has been a very long time since I have written. I have plenty to share. I last blogged on December 5, 2016 but the world kept on turning. I realize that this blog is titled The Heart of a Pastor's Wife and I feel like sometimes there are situations that make me think that my heart will stop beating. When I first started this blogging journey my intention was to give a small glimpse into a large window of what does happen in ministry and how I, with God's help, deal with it all. Some wives that I know are quiet, some are bold, some are not nice, some you could even be surprised that they are pastor's wives by the way they act or carry themselves. I am real and in being real, I have to share some of the personal side and not just the ins and outs of Wednesdays and Sundays at the church, helping here and there and visitations.

In the past 6 months so much has happened and it made it feel like a whole year or two went by. When I last wrote I shared about my mom in the hospital, my grandpa going into a non lock down facility so they could care of him and his Alzheimer's, and our foster child. Just 12 days after my last blog post, just 10 minutes shy of my arrival, my mom entered into eternal
rest and saw Jesus face to face. Long story short, with her stage 3 COPD and her pneumonia she had when I last wrote, (she had been transferred to a long term rehab facility at my last blog post because while she was in the hospital she lost muscle tone in her legs) her body couldn't fight anymore and she became septic. Later I did pay to have her medical records released from that facility and I learned that just a day prior (on a Friday) after our visit (mom was fighting so hard to breath that I do not think she knew that my husband and I were there) she was moved to the ICU unit right down the hall (which I knew) she had another heart attack (that made a total of 3 in the last year due to her health as well as her stress level she was under for so long that I was not aware of until 10 months into 2016 when I was called to her at the hospital when she was on life support) , her liver had shut down as well as her kidneys so I know that there would be no quality of life had she made it through her last pneumonia streak. Some say mama shouldn't be gone now, some say perhaps malpractice was an issue, advice has been given on getting a lawyer, part of me wondered before on if I ever should have allowed her transfer to another facility, other parts of me wished I had known all of this way earlier then I did in October and spent more time, or made more phone calls- but this is what I know now....God has a plan and He is control. I do miss my mom and I wish I could call her on the phone or send her photos of her growing grand-kids, but I know that she is NOT missing the stress and pain of this world. Mom was cremated and is planted with two orange trees on our church property. As they grow and bloom and produce fruit that people from the neighborhood can eat and have nourishment, I can share moms beautiful redemptive story and share Christ with them. I could go on but today I won't. Donna J. Sprague (May 20, 1966- December 17, 2016-age 50)

My beautiful grandpa who helped raise me is doing good health wise minus his Alzheimer's. Back in April he fell where he was and they wanted him to do physical therapy so they moved him to a rehab facility that had a lock down unit where he was safe and that is where he has stayed. The staff there are experts in their field and have been at this specific location for 10-20+ years. He enjoys our visits but I know that he doesn't know who we are. Sometimes I wonder if he is better off. As cruel as it is for the rest of us to not be able to talk to our loved ones about old memories of how you'd help them cook, work on the car, ride on the lawnmower, BBQ, fishing, etc-they don't remember the pain of loved ones gone. My grandma died back in 2014 of renal cancer, he doesn't remember that. He doesn't remember that his daughter isn't on this earth anymore, he doesn't remember that his son is in prison, he doesn't remember that a close family member stole all of his valuable possessions that he worked over 20 years to have. But let me tell you what he does remember.....Jesus! If you pray for a meal, or sing a hymn-he just weeps. A few months ago we had him out and about with us and just moments after crying because his mind was not working the way he wanted it to and he asked to go back home, boldly and loving the whole car ride he told me about Jesus and kept telling me that Jesus was coming back one day and that I better learn who Jesus is.

Our foster child Kash spent 7 months with us. In March I became a full time stay at home mom to him and our two kids and to attend the rest of doctors appointments, speech therapy, occupational therapy, MRIs, etc. We were looking towards adoption as previously shared before in my post. Tuesday, May 30th we had court that would send us to the next steps of that but on that day, his dad arrived (the mom is currently out of the picture) and established paternity. May 31st was his last day with us. I miss him a lot but we were unable to take care of his growing health needs. We don't get much of an update due to confidentiality but this is what I know. He went into foster care to a family that could take care of his needs while his dad got some things squared away and soon they will be reunited. We miss him, he was a part of our family. I wrestled with myself with guilt and other emotions that came with the decision on not keeping him longer but God just kept urging me and confirming for me in ways of Kash's behavior that it was just not my place anymore. I loved him for as long as I had him but God has a plan for Kash and loves him way more then I ever could.
On the church front since my last blog post.... not including my mom, we have had 10 individuals that we know die. I can't elaborate on that because most of it was such a whirlwind of survival mode that I can't recall many of the details. I remember all of their names and their beautiful faces and all but one of them is in heaven. We are all going to die one day and we are not in control of when.The one that is not in heaven is burned in my mind almost daily and is a reminder to always share the complete, true, gospel. Peoples souls and eternal salvation is at stake. I am proud to say that our church family has really come around these families, as well as us. Supportive, and loving and kind. Always willing to lend a hand. We love them.
Look, this retelling seems like a drama filled Lifetime TV saga that has people dressed in black but I assure you, this is real life. I gave the cliff notes to someone the other day and at the end they said "wow, that's a sad story" with emotion behind it because they just didn't know what else to say. I thought to myself "wow, that does sound sad" but I thought about it more. I think it is a glorious story. One that has God on every page. If you look back at the things that have gone in your life, can you see how God has His mighty hand in it? Can you see how things once seemed dark and bleak with days full of stormy skies but now there is a promise and a hope and a future? If you can't, I encourage you to reach out to someone near you and ask them about Jesus.
Here is a link that will show you how to have a life with Christ.
http://www.davidjeremiah.org/site/about/becoming_a_christian.aspx .Please remember that becoming a Christian does not mean that you will be happy, healthy or wealthy. Find a Bible believing church and be a part of it, check what the pastor is saying, look it up in your bible and really search what is being taught.
Love you all....until next time.