Introduction: today is my first blog post! I intend for this to be a written outlet for myself as well as an insight to the support of the front lines of ministry. I am not an English major so this blog may have a lot of grammatical errors-that may change over time. My husband is a pastor. We have 2 kids, A is 8 & N is 10 months old. My husband and I just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary last week. I lost track on when our ministry time frame started but it's been about 4 years now.
I remember thinking to myself "I will never be able to help with ministry" at the time when my husband made his conversion, I didn't want to.
I was being stubborn and instead of thinking I was flawed as you hear people say, "God can never use me" -I just didn't want to have any part of it because I knew it meant that I would have to change. I was set in my ways. I watched things on TV I knew weren't pleasing to God, I had a drinking problem, I had a filthy mouth and I didn't want to change it. I had a sin problem. Prior to the true conversion, sadly I was a nominal Christian. I claimed Christ by name but did not know Christ or what He wanted from me. I sure didn't expect to be used by Him in any good way because I had caused some damage by being nominal for so long. I had my ticket to heaven because I had said a prayer and walked an aisle but I was just as lost as I was on the day I walked the aisle at church.
Being at a crossroads in life is one thing and can be a hard thing to go through but being at a crossroads where Jesus meets you where you are is completely different. You realize you have probably one last time to make a choice. To follow Him or to turn away.
Now I know I said this was an introduction so this post will be wrapped up soon but I remember the evening like it was yesterday. Something came up at home and the exact circumstances I don't remember what they were or why I was upset but I remember telling my husband that I was basically tired of things not going the "right" way- like my little bit of praying was going to make things better ultimately when nothing else was changing in my life (later I learned because I still wasn't doing what I needed to do) and he asked me "how often are you reading your Bible?" - I was mad when he asked me this question but I had a reluctant answer of..."not often" & he then asked "well how often is not often?" ...."well I read it Wednesday in Bible study." was now Saturday evening. He then lovingly said "when are you going to make a change?" The question wasn't answered that evening but it was more of a reflective question. I started in the book of Acts and I prayed for wisdom and it started. The changes came slowly, but they came. I later confessed to my husband and told him thank you. If it not had been for him and his question and ultimately Jesus using him to meet me where I was that night I wouldn't be where I am. I was ready to walk away from it all. Looking back I can't believe I was willing to turn my back on Jesus. I was going to make a choice to leave Him behind to fulfill what I wanted in life. So many people we know do that very thing with their lives & I am sure that you know people also. It is the saddest thing for me to see in ministry(but that is another blog post entirely).
God wants more then your Wednesday, Sunday & your 10%. Take your steps toward doing the right thing.
Thanks for reading! More to come!
This is wonderful, Stephine. I love your honesty. That helps people realize their need for Christ. I needed Christ and I have Christ. I love that he changed me as well. To share with others our imperfections is an eye opener for anyone that needs Christ.
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful, Stephine. I love your honesty. That helps people realize their need for Christ. I needed Christ and I have Christ. I love that he changed me as well. To share with others our imperfections is an eye opener for anyone that needs Christ.