It has been awhile since I posted. So much has been going on that I just lost track of blogging. In some moments of stress after talking to my husband he said "have you blogged,it might make you feel better". Since the last time I posted about Alexis my mind has been even more in a whirlwind. We never heard from her again. I wonder if after her birthday she got on that bus back home to New York to her family or if she is still living in the woods. I wonder if she read the Bible that was given to her. I know the Word won't return void but I just wonder how she is doing. You know how they catch animals in the wild and place tags on them to track their migrating habits or where they go to spawn their eggs-i wish we could do that to those we share the gospel with. If you can't walk side by side with them and are only able to share it in passing then it would be unique to see how it changes them with a peek into their lives. Then again maybe it wouldn't a good thing to see how they are doing. Maybe the gospel for the time now didn't change them and they are still living the way they were lost in their selfish actions.
After Alexis we had a few church members that were in the hospital unexpectedly and we got even more sad gut wrenching news. Things creep in and try and attack your armor when you least expect it. There was a woman we were asked to pray for. Her and her young child were sexually assaulted and they needed prayer. My heart was a mess that evening. As I tried to get my mind in order for visitations I remember being so unbelievably nervous on what to do if we ever got an emergency call that I wouldn't know what to do but when the time came I was in "go" mode and got things together and lined up childcare and just wanted to be there for the people that were hurting that we couldn't drive fast enough.
We were able to visit the church member but due to patient advocacy and privacy and the nature of the things that had happened we were unable to reach out to the young woman that evening. My heart still breaks for them. :(
Fast forward to the next week and nothing large happened but small things here and there that wear you down and also things that excite you. We spend as much time allows on weekends to help clean things and move stuff around and make calls but time still slips away. I had the unique opportunity this last weekend after Sunday morning service that during the week since I am working I don't get to do, I got to go with out little family to visitations and I loved it! There were some that were in physical rehab but still had smiles on their face, there were some that were unable to move out of bed but were still happy to see us. We are doing what we have wanted to do after all these years. Loving on people and showing them the love of Christ.
I am so proud of Jacob. I know we look young but I assure you that this time in a couple of months we have been together for 15 years. 15 years sounds long but oh how fast it has gone by! Through family life, homelessness, ramen noodle nights, military life, moves across the world and country, buying a home, having a family.. .I thought I was proud before for all of the accomplishments and life milestones but nothing makes me more proud then now. Watching him lead a church and watching God use him as His mouthpiece makes me tear up every Sunday as we are getting the family ready to go out the door. His heart is with God and with the people God has entrusted him with. The care he takes in all of his hours of sermon prep and his hard work around the church and when he talks about future plans down the road just makes me so happy. I am excited because he is excited.
Following God and doing what the Bible says doesn't always make you popular and we are okay with that. I am just thankful that He picked us to be where we are at Crystal Lake Baptist. If you are ever in the area of Lakeland,Fl-look us up. 1000 Mt. Airy Ave
Precious, sweet Stephanie. ❤
ReplyDeletePrecious, sweet Stephanie. ❤