Tuesday, September 13, 2016

There is much to be said from others if we just take the time to listen.

I typically don’t take to Facebook to share some experiences for good reason but recently I have been very reflective-quiet and waiting and listening. So many times I get caught up in the busy of life that I don’t take time to sit and wait and listen to urging of the Holy Spirit who is the great teacher.

This past Saturday we went on a prayer walk and I prayed to have open eyes to see what was going on in the neighborhood right around the church-there were many people who were not outside but the ones that were the group we were with interacted and engaged with them and got to know a little about each one. The one that stuck out to me the most was a person by the name of Brian who recently his friend was killed by someone that came back at a later time to rob and ended up killing him after casing him out on a dating website. Brian who like countless others is hurting. Sunday at church for those that were able to go it was more of a reflective time as Jacob and the other men prayed for our community and the direction of the church.

One thing I have noticed since inviting the men to pray at the beginning of the service –EACH WEEK the numbers of men that come forward GROW.

Sunday afternoon while helping out after service someone from the neighborhood approached us as asked for some water-he was out of breath and tired and sweating and then asked for a ride to which Jacob was able to accommodate. From what I understand his shirt was torn and could have possibly been in a fight before coming onto our property.

Monday at work there was someone in tears because they were seeking a job and feared to lose everything and also really just needed comforting-after much conversation there was an invitation to church and our event for the family of 5.

Today there was someone who came in who also lost their house and rode their bike to apply for a job-through conversation this person is homeless and doing what they can to get back on their feet. I packed extra food because the day has errands to be run after work and now at least for lunch this person has food in their stomach.

I am NOT tooting my own horn. I want all to understand that this is not just a job for Jacob, nor just a place for our family to come and volunteer our time and energy at-this is our lifestyle. The time spent in prayer on our knees for where we are now has been such a long time coming to be answered and I am so thankful for Godly leadership from a wonderful man-the added benefit is that I am married to him.

There is much to be said from others if we just take the time to listen.

Please stay in prayer as we move forward as a church-not just our church but all of the churches that claim no other god than our God and salvation through Jesus Christ through repentance of sins-there is so much work to be done!

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